August 31, 2009

not the "Supposed Way"

There's something more than what we're living for".

Most of us grow the "Supposed way". We just do things because we are supposed to or because we are told to do so or just because everyone else does it. We somehow convince ourselves "all the time"...with an iota of genuine thought.

If we are constantly doing what we are doing just because of our fear of tomorrow or because of commitments and responsibilities, we would have truly lost the whole purpose of being alive.

As long as everything is so uncertain, and it is, why worry about all the conditional things life has to offer.

I chose to live not the "Supposed Way".

I interchangeably use Why? and Why not? before every decision i make, however small or big it might be. And then come to a decision without any external influences, through observation but definitely not through comparison.

I would rather live with a problem I cannot solve than accept something that I cannot understand.

Some or lets just say more than some, people around me cannot accept this idea [they don't wont to]..but i am the last person to be bothered by someone else's thought's other than mine.

A friend once asked me,"Are you happy living your life this way? to which i said..

"I wouldn't trade places with anyone in this world." .....

-Varűn: 08-31-09


Today marks the Inception of my blog....

I named the blog "Empirique" b'coz i truly believe that my knowledge is based upon my experiences for the most part...

-Varűn: 08-31-09