March 21, 2011

An Adventure Opportunist

First of all how do we define Adventure?

Is it a roller coaster ride, a hike in a park or a cross country drive?

In this technological advanced world, we plan everything, and we know what we are getting into because we've researched all details of our trip on Trip advisor and guidebooks, or have asked a travel agent to arrange all details of our trips. Yet we call our trips to faraway places an “adventure”.We ourselves have eliminate the opportunity to rediscover the authenticity of life, which a travel can offer. And we end up returning home the same as when we left. I think the word adventure is over used and ripped apart but really, adventure is something that happens when you don't plan for it. Ok, lets put it in an other way. What's the most memorable moment in our travel? Based on my experiences, what sticks out for me is the moment when things go unexpected, even for a little while. Such situations stay with us because they are more real.

For me travel has never really been about the destination. It has always been about the journey and the experiences I have encountered through my choices along the way.

The most unexplored territory in the world is My Life. Becoming an adventurer for me just does not limit to travel. Adventure is not a start-stop switch where you want to experience it while you are traveling and don't while you're not. For me, it is about making a commitment to explore my life each and every day. All it really takes is a shift in focus — a movement toward breaking out of our usual ruts and grasping the adventure in every moment, every experience.

I guess I have internalized my sense of the adventure and I must live up to it alone.

-Varűn: 30-03-11

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